Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Malaysias Relationship with the US

Malaysias Relationship with the US Contextual investigation Tense indecision under Mahathir During Mahathir’s prevalence (1981-2003), Malaysia delighted in an agreeable relationship with the US was on monetary and security front. Strategically, be that as it may, there has been a lot of pressure between the two states. On the monetary front, the US has been one of Malaysia’s most significant exchanging accomplices. In Mahathir’s last year as head administrator, the volume of two-way exchange added up to US$34,352.5 million[1], with the equalization of exchange Malaysia’s favor. Furthermore, Malaysia has generally depended on US remote speculations, especially during the previous state’s quick monetary assembly from the 1970s to the furthest limit of the 1990s. Malaysia, a previous frontier state which acquired a decreasing, normal asset subordinate economy from the British, accomplished exceptional pace of development under Mahathir’s formative plans. Malaysia’s financial improvement accomplished its apex during the 1990s, hailed by the World Bank as a 'monetary miracle’ in the creating scene. During this course of advancement, the US assumed a significant job through its outside ventures. For example, US interests in Malaysia significantly increased somewhere in the range of 1990 and 2000, from US$1.5 billion to US$6 billion, of which 57% was in assembling, 21% in oil and normal assets, and 22% in administrations and related industries.[2] Regarding security, Malaysia under Mahathir has seen a lot of collaboration with the US in issues of counter-fear based oppression. Malaysia had become an indispensable accomplice in fighting fear based oppression due to Malaysia’s influential position in the Association of South East Asian Nations (Asean) when the locale was named the 'second front’ in the war against psychological warfare because of connections between its territorial aggressor gatherings and Al-Qaeda.[3] Moreover, Malaysia’s status as a Muslim country was urgent as the US was searching for a Muslim partner in Southeast Asia. As Malaysia rehearses moderate Islam, The US trusted that it could be a genuine model for other Muslim countries to follow. All things considered, the two nations believed that this security association could improve relations between the United States and other Islamic countries, and could significantly help with America’s worldwide battle against fear based oppres sion. Strategically, in any case, Mahathir’s prevalence was set apart with reciprocal strains among Malaysia and the US. In 1990, Mahathir proposed the formation of an East Asia Economic Grouping (EAEG), a provincial exchanging alliance like the European Union (EU) and North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). All together for Mahathir’s proposition to appear to be to a lesser extent an exchange coalition and all the more a gathering for conversation, it was authoritatively renamed by Asean as the East Asia Economic Caucus (EAEC) in 1991, at the Asean Economic Ministers’ Meeting, before officially underwriting the EAEC in 1992 at its Fourth Asean Summit in Singapore. [4] However, strains emerged with respect to the EAEC since enrollment was agreed distinctly to East Asian nations, along these lines barring the United States and its political nearness in the locale. Perhaps the greatest pressure between the two states emerged during the 1997/98 Asian monetary emergency. In particular, there were differences over the reasons for the emergency. US policymakers accused the Asian economies’ basic insufficiencies, immature money related frameworks, solid connections among government and business, hazy professional interactions, debasement, and cronyism. Mahathir, then again, accused universal elements, to be specific global money examiners and fence funds.[5] There were additionally various perspectives on the most proficient method to react to the emergency: Mahathir had faith in cash and capital controls to kick off the Malaysian economy, while the US trusted in change proposition by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, which proposed changes through financial restrictions and the reduction of endowments. Malaysia all things considered founded its money and capital controls and keeping in mind that it accomplished work f or Malaysia, Mahathir was reprimanded by the US. [6] Two-sided relations were additionally tried in September 1998 when Mahathir excused Anwar Ibrahim, the appointee leader and account serve, on charges of defilement and sexual unfortunate behavior. This was on the grounds that, during the money related emergency and before the execution of Mahathir’s cash controls, Anwar (in his ability as the account serve at that point) conflicted with Mahathir by proposing contractionary budgetary arrangements which firmly looked like the proposition set by the IMF. In November 1998, these strains were exacerbated following remarks by then US Vice-President Al Gore at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meeting in Kuala Lumpur, lauding 'the bold individuals of Malaysia’ for looking for reform.[7] Relations would then intensify when Anwar was condemned to six years in jail for defilement in April 1999. US authorities considered Anwar to be a political detainee for this situation as they considered the charges against Anwar to be exaggerated. Obviously, when Anwar Ibrahim was condemned in August 2000 to an extra nine years in prison for homosexuality, a US State Department official expressed that the US was 'insulted by Anwar’s conviction’ and that the 'co-employable relationship with Malaysia has been blocked by Malaysia’s poor record on human rights.’[8] Therefore, a yearly human rights report discharged by the State Department in February 2001, contained analysis of Malaysia’s treatment of the Anwar case, refering to political inspirations and scrutinizing the autonomy of the legal executive. Analysis was additionally coordinated to Malaysia’s utilization of its Internal Security Act (ISA), named by the US as 'draconian,’ since it took into consideration detainment without preliminary. For example, the Malaysian government had utilized the ISA in July 2000 after it had forestalled an arms heist by an aggressor gathering, Al-Ma’unah, which had connections to Al-Qaeda fear based oppressors. Moreover, the 9/11 assaults on New York’s World Trade Center and the US’s ensuing ‘War on Terror’ would additionally strain Malaysia-US relations. In March 2003, Mahathir intensely denounced the US and the UK’s choice to do battle against Iraq. Respective pressures likewise emerged over Mahathir’s hostile to Jewish comments at the culmination of the Organization of Islamic Conference in Kuala Lumpur in October of that year. Mahathir had stated, ‘The Europeans killed 6,000,000 Jews out of twelve million, however today the Jews rule the world as a substitute. They get others to battle and kick the bucket for them.’ The US State Department considered these remarks hostile and provocative, expressing, ‘We see them with the hatred and criticism they deserve.’[9] Control Under Abdullah Under the prevalence of Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (2004-2009), Malaysia-US relations saw a continuation of collaboration on financial and security fronts. Inside the financial circle, reciprocal ties stayed vital. In 2004, Malaysia was America’s tenth biggest exchanging accomplice, with more than US$39 billion every year in two-sided trade[10], though the US was Malaysia’s greatest single speculator and the biggest market for Malaysian exports.[11] That equivalent year, Malaysia’s GDP developed by 6.8% its most elevated rate in four years.[12] Additionally, to manage a spending shortage that traversed a long time since 1998, Abdullah practiced monetary restriction which included estimates, for example, the delay of expensive undertakings. Be that as it may, during Abdullah’s Prime Ministership, the ringgit peg of RM$3.8 to the US dollar was expelled in July 2005 †seen as a transition to make Malaysia progressively autonomous and independent vis-à -vis the US. This proportion of money control had been set up for almost seven years, as a major aspect of Mahathir’s cash controls to stem capital flight and theoretical assaults during the 1997/98 Asian Financial Crisis. The peg was expelled after Malaysia turned out to be progressively worried about the condition of the US economy at that point and the flimsiness of the US dollar. In addition, it was likewise on the grounds that the administration felt guaranteed enough to roll out the improvement because of its own financial development. Malaysia’s participation in the domains of security likewise proceeded under Abdullah. A stamped contrast under Abdullah was Malaysia’s upgraded universal position, reinforcing Malaysia’s job as an accomplice to the US. For example, from October 2003 to March 2008, Malaysia filled in as Chair of the 57-part Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC), the biggest alliance of Muslim nations.[13] This made Malaysia a key accomplice in the Muslim world when the US was especially worried about the psychological oppressor danger in numerous Muslim states and esteemed having a solid Muslim partner in the locale. Abdullah held expanded height as a Muslim chief in his job as the OIC Chair pioneer and had the option to communicate the OIC’s sees on the Israel-Palestinian clash. For example, he focused on the requirement for harmony representatives to be reasonable and fair-minded to the two sides and for Palestinians to introduce a unified front by discovering approaches to end their interior divisions. In acknowledgment of his improved position, Abdullah was included on the front of Newsweek magazine’s December 2004 and was hailed as a pioneer who produced a moderate brand of Islam and who was fit for retouching the separation actuated by radical Muslim developments in the region.[14] Thus, Malaysia’s job as a security accomplice of the US was set over this period. Strains on the political front, then again, proceeded under Abdullah, though there was not as much threatening vibe and encounter as it was under Mahathir. Malaysian restriction to US strategy included judgment of Israel, a nation that Malaysia doesn't impart a political relationship to. At the point when Israel attacked Lebanon in 2006, Abd

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Symbolic Interactionism an Example of the Topic Government and Law Essays by

Emblematic Interactionism and The African American Identity The African American experience is one by mark and by reality that is unmistakably incomprehensible. Persuasively moved from the place where there is its legacy and sustained in a land which had first subjugated it, from that point abused it and never-endingly subverted it, the African American country may not be promptly distinguished either with Africa, from which it is presently numerous hundred of years expelled, nor with America, which had continued for ages to upset any open doors for the improvement of a free American character through physical, social and otherworldly mercilessness. Need exposition test on Emblematic Interactionism and The African American Identity subject? We will compose a custom exposition test explicitly for you Continue The outcome is, by and large, a culture which would come into definition in concurrence with the acquaintance of bondage with the United States and which would create as per the advancements of subjection and annulment. With thought to the possibility of emblematic interactionism, which contends that implications become making inside the setting of societies, social orders and practices among people and gatherings, the African American has obviously been profoundly affected by the production of significance and the foundation of representative distinguishing factors which went with the advancement of Americas inalienably supremacist culture. The majority of the references used to help this case are drawn from essential sources, got both from previous slaves and from slave masters. Such messages should assist with outlining the manners by which mental molding, social teaching and representative repatriation would be used to make an Americanized African, formed for the reasons for impr oving his consistence with the necessities of his lord. Despite the fact that it would not prevail with regards to characterizing completely the personality of the African American, this experience would in any case factor into a mind extraordinary and separate among those of America or Africa for this very explanation. The sociological effect of emblematic interactionism is in this way talked about here with thought to the longterm authentic experience of African Americans as a component of Americas center prejudice. In said conversation, the slave accounts offer something which introduces itself as an answer for the current issue over characterizing where an African American personality had been grown, however in another way, just develops the entanglement of the issue from an outside point of view. A repetitive subject in the primary individual records offered by liberated slaves is the estimation of Christianity to the battle to beat hardship and torment, for example, that intrinsic to an existence of drudge and subjugation. For some, this was the genuine salvation of being compelled to locate a home in an unfriendly country. In any case, the degree to which this power would possess the spot of trust in many forward-looking slaves can't be disparaged, as The Life of Olaudah Equiano will bear witness to. Among the first liberated captives to turn into a functioning and vocal piece of the abolitionist development from the generally more secure good ways from America of the less abusive Great Britain in the late eighteenth century, Equiano depicts his servitude as the baffling methods of Providence. (Doors, 3) It would be his vehicle from subjugation in Africa to imprisonment in the New World that would put him in the hands of a Philadelphia Christian with a liberal attitude. The part of Equiano that we should seriously think about a most obvious individual point of view is that formed by his devotion, a loyalty which bore its beginnings in America. This would permeate him with a nature of benevolence, to which one may owe the point of view taken in the accompanying proclamation: Did I see myself as an European, I may state my sufferings were extraordinary: yet when I contrast my parcel and that of a large portion of my compatriots, I see myself as a specific most loved of Heaven. (Entryways, 12) Equiano offers an announcement here which may assist us with navigating through the clear logical inconsistency inborn to Americas double customs of Christianity and servitude. In understanding the foundations of Equianos comfort in confidence, we may likewise better comprehend the limit of the captive to hold his personality even with the dehumanizing conditions which the creator portrays concerning his bondage. For Equiano, there would stay an immediate association with Africa which, however not, at this point applicable to his land home, would in any case characterize his encounters on the planet. The correlation rendered above between the life of an European and the life of an African says a lot to the current subject, recommending that for Equiano, the destiny of bondage and inevitable opportunity, and even the development of a humble individual home, marks him as extensively luckier than the individuals who might be ransacked of their lives or subjugated for the term by the mer ciless work framework. Noticing this correlation, Equiano recognizes that the distinguishing proof with Africa is, from numerous points of view, a legitimate ID with a legacy of affliction and shared misery. This might be considered of importance in our endeavor to all the more likely understand where this association turns out to be to some degree a greater amount of a deliberation to progressively more Americanized ages of slave. Without a doubt, Equianos African birth and constrained movement would situate him toward profound mental connections to the mainland. Yet, for the individuals who might discover their opportunity just hundreds of years thus, and especially for the individuals who might be naturally introduced to subjection, the thought of an African history would appear to be remote as well as would be distinctly smothered by the ordered digestion frequently required of those bought into white families. This proof is accessible in different cases for Equiano, who might get a name change when offered to an American slave master at his eleventh year and who might embrace Methodist Christianity as his religion at the command of the ace from whom he would inevitably purchase his opportunity. For his captors, both of negative of positive mien, Equiano would take care of business whom they trusted themselves qualified for tailor, and they did as such in a way as to just further separate him from his African birth. Truth be told, there may maybe be not any more remarkable representative acceptance of importance than to rename a person who has just developed into his character. The capacity of one to successfully change anothers name resoundingly affects our comprehension of the social parts of fortifying the authenticity of servitude. On the off chance that a name is just representative to begin, it does in the end become attached to inquiries of social cooperation and personality. The stubborn adjustment of such recommends something of the social control basic the hypothesis of emblematic interactionism. Ira Berlins 2003 content assists with catching the disappointing sociological impact of this dynamic, with the group of encounters harassing those oppressed recommending that the classification African American is one which must be made all things considered of this gatherings improvement. Absolutely, those first who were transplanted to America will without a doubt have seen themselves as Africans, yet this would not be so for the age which these people would quickly deliver. What's more, the act of isolating kids from guardians and deconstructing slave families would assist with stifling this history for the coming ages, leaving just the new verifiable experience of servitude to characterize the country of people accordingly created. As Berlin would clarify this patriot limbo, despite the fact that the faces of these Atlantic creoles may bear the highlights of African, Europe, or the Americas in entire or part, their beginnings, carefully, were in none of these spots. (Berlin, 23) Such is to state that the experience of being constrained from Africa and specifically the horrendously nitty gritty travails of the Middle Passage, would start to shape the historical backdrop of a people corresponding to and separate from the historical backdrop of Africans, of Americans or of Europeans. As opposed to these people groups, African Americans would be a gathering gotten from a wide scope of social or ancestral foundations but aimlessly homogenized under the solitary pennant of American bondage. To this end, we may press forward with the fundamental contention that the second at which the African American country came to be was that denoting the commencement and execution of the slave exchange, which promptly started to characterize a state of change in the making of significance and cooperation among Europeans and Africans. It was this procedure which started to isolate the accounts of the African individuals and the African individuals transplanted to America. This is an important purpose of expression concerning this referenced assorted variety of culture for transplanted Africans, who might locate a brought together country not really with those of comparative African foundations however with those made comparable by the experience of being migrated from Africa to the New World. As this group of Africans turned out to be resolutely categorized into a solitary and undefined social personality, it would progressively get precise to state this was a socially normal gatherin g, moderately. As we adventure forward to set the contention that African Americans, as a people, appeared in synchronization with the foundation of the slave exchange North America, it is helpful to step back and think about another conceivable case. It may be recommended that to append an aggregate personality to a gathering of individuals just made socially regular in their mutual torment of subjugation is to enjoy the structure of anthropological history as per the arrangement of Americas white slave-holders. In reality, it would be the valuing of people as buyable products which would start the way toward expelling from them previous characters and implications. In the Walter Johnson content which explo

Friday, August 21, 2020

Battle of Gettysburg essays

Clash of Gettysburg articles The American individuals in 1860 accepted they were the most fortunate individuals alive in all the world. This was before the beginning of what some accept as the main genuine common war. (Catton 108). The fight, showing as it did the adequacy of the Confederate armed force, changed the status of the struggle from a defiance to a common war. 600,000 youthful Americans, alive when 1860 finished, would the entirety of the blast in the following four years. The Confederates had won the war, yet their endeavors, Jackson grumbled, left them more confused by triumph than [the Union armed force was] by rout. (Starr 103). One significant fight that prompted Gettysburg and the Confederate thrashing was the clash of Bull Run. The fight occurred on July 21, 1961, and was to be the day bearing the destiny of the infant alliance. (Beauregard). The clash of Bull Run was battled in Virginia, close the Manassas, Virginia railroad intersection, after which the fight is called (or First Bull Run, named after the streaming stream on the front line). As indicated by Michael Golay, creator of To Gettsburg and Past, Lieutenant Haskell, a Union helper, commented that: At the early fights we imagined that we had heard substantial cannonading; they were in any case, occasion salutes contrasted with this. Other than the extraordinary incessant thunder of the weapons, which was nevertheless the foundation for the others, a million different minor sounds drawn in the ear. The shots scream long and sharp. They murmur, they shout, they snarl, they falter, all hints of life and rage; and every ha its diverse not, The triumph at Bull Run left the Confederate order feeling that the following move was practically up to the Yankees of the Union. The Confederates appeared to be extremely ill-equipped and the Association was restless to make the following move. In spite of the fact that, the Union was very prepared for the following ... <! Skirmish of Gettysburg papers Passing through Gettysburg individuals see sculptures and stamping at various destinations, if youre don't know a lot of history you would in any case realize that these markings are an images of fallen fighters. These warriors never truly expected to kick the bucket however the North and South couldn't work out their disparities calmly which caused an incredible war in U.S. history, The Civil War. Perhaps the greatest fight battled during the Civil war occurred in the little city of Gettysburg. The clash of Gettysburg was the greatest and bloodiest skirmishes of the Civil War. Gettysburg is otherwise called the defining moment in the war. Removing the sculptures and the greater part of the new improvement in the city we can perceive what Gettysburg looked jumped at the chance to the troopers that battled there. Venturing back through time, Gettysburg was a quiet city failing to expect an extraordinary fight to be battled there. Gettysburg was not by any means expected to occur; it occurred accidentally. An infantry of official under General Richard Ewells order drove a couple of troopers into Gettysburg to recover shoes for the war beaten Confederate fighters. The Confederate development watch ran fast into General John Bulfords Union Cavalry. While the two sides sent dispatches beating off for fortifications, Bulford attempted frantically to hold his ground (Ward, 216). At this point, the two sides were combining in Gettysburg. The Confederates were originating from the north and the Union was originating from the south. The Confederates were the storage room and gather quicker. Association powers were gradually in social occasion. The agitators pushed them back through the town until General Winfield Scott Hancock got everyone excited into defensives positions on Culps Hill and Cemetery Hill (Ward, 216). General Robert E. Lee, leader of the Conferdate armed force, was uncertain of where excatly the Union was. He had heard through the grape vine that there was some Union mounted force heading into Gettysburg yet he didn't know (Sh... <! Skirmish of Gettysburg expositions Skirmish of Gettysburg This anecdote about the four-day arrangement of occasions and fights that encompassed and included The Battle of Gettysburg in his 1974 novel, The Killer Angels. The story speaks to both the perspectives on the North and the South, and orders the perusers comprehension and compassion toward every one of the characters and perspectives with respect to the Civil War. Shaaras depiction of the war leaves pressure, strife, preliminaries, triumph and annihilation. The book is isolated into four fundamental segments, and inside each segment, the activity is separated into parts that speak to every character perspective on the occasions. Section 1 happens on Monday, June 29th, 1863 and conceals the occasions prompting the fight. James Longstreets recruited spy, Harrison, reports that not exclusively are Union powers are seeking after the Confederates into Pennsylvania, however that President Lincoln has as of late terminated General Hooker and supplanted him with General Meade. This news is awful to the Lees powers, on the grounds that Jeb Stuarts mounted force scouts have left them oblivious to the enemys developments. When Longstreet advises the news to General Robert E. Lee, Lee instructs them to get to Gettysburg in anticipation of decimating Union powers. On the way to Gettysburg, with his military of warriors, Colonel Joshua Chamberlain succumbs to sunstroke, and similarly as he recuperates, the Union dumps 120 officers under his order, and he is compelled to figure out how to make them battle. He tells an amazing discourse, which makes a large portion of the raucous officers to battle with him, and almost dupl icates the quantity of troops under his order. The Union mounted force under Bufords order first observes the Confederate armed force making a beeline for Gettysburg. Buford keeps in touch with Reynolds to demand fortifications, however is concerned that the Confederates will take Gettysburg before they show up. He sets up a line of guard in any case. Longstreet gets word that Hill intends to proceed onward Gettysburg, even t... <! Skirmish of Gettysburg articles The Battle of Gettysburg is without question the most notable skirmish of the Civil War. Proof of this is the Civil War reenactments, which happen that days of the fight a seemingly endless amount of time after year. This paper will talk about the developments during the last 50% of the Battle of Gettysburg, for example, the Wheatfield, The Peach Orchard, and Picketts Charge. The Wheatfield lays somewhere between Little Round Top and the Peach Orchard, its a region of roughly 25 sections of land, which is verged on the north and south by forests, and toward the west there is a lush rough outcrop known as Stony Hill. The Wheatfield and Stony Hill framed the focal point of the fight line of Union General David Birneys division of Sickles third Corp. There were 3 detachments required on the Union side in this fight. Under the order of General Hobart Ward was the left hand detachment holding Houcks Ridge and the Valley of Death, in the middle under order of Colonel Regis de Trobriand was the inside unit holding the Wheatfield and Stony Hill. In conclusion on the correct side there was General Charles Graham at the edge of the Peach Orchard. As the Confederates under General Hoods division assaulted Devils Den and Little Round Top another detachment from the third Arkansas came to strengthen the Confederates, this prompted a long firefight in which de Trobiands powers sent the Arkansas unforeseen retreat from the Wheatfield. In the wake of sending in Hoods division Longstreet sent two detachments toward the Peach Orchard however they were kept down on the order of General Lee. Hoods units were isolated into two gatherings due to the territory and conditions of the fight; South Carolina regiments were in a similar bind. After the South Carolinians went across Emmitsburg Road they happened upon the rear of Stony Hill, a large portion of the powers walked toward Stony Hill while the other half walked at the Union batteries, wh... <!

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Topics to Do a Persuasive Essay On

Topics to Do a Persuasive Essay OnThere are many topics to do a persuasive essay on. Some topics you can choose from include income inequality, religion, immigration, politics, the welfare state, and crime. Do a persuasive essay on all of these topics and write a great persuasive essay. The following are some helpful tips for doing a persuasive essay on all of these topics.Economics. Economics is the study of the nature and cause of economic phenomena. A persuasive essay on economics is basically a way to show that your viewpoint is more convincing than another viewpoint. Your thesis can be in favor of an economic system, a particular economic theorist, or any combination of these. You will have to have a good grasp of the subject matter, so that you can successfully present your arguments.Religion. Religion is a very difficult topic to do a persuasive essay on because it tends to come up in a variety of different contexts. Each religion has its own specific doctrine, but there is al so the idea of the church as a whole and the notion of faith. You must be able to not only present your own viewpoint but also demonstrate why that viewpoint is correct. This is a very big subject and will require some careful thought and research.Immigration. Immigrants have always been a controversial topic. There are always people who are against immigration and those who support it. If you decide to focus on this topic, make sure that you speak intelligently to both sides. Make sure that you address the big question of whether immigrants are really a positive or negative force in the society.Race. Race is a controversial topic because of the question of what the definition of race really is. Many people believe that race is a cultural or genetic construct, while others believe that race is a biological construct. Either way, it is a complicated subject and an excellent topic to do a persuasive essay on.Welfare State. The welfare state is a topic that is popularly known as 'welfa re queens.' The philosophy behind the welfare state is that most people in the United States don't need welfare, and therefore the federal government should not interfere with that system. It is a contentious topic, and you will probably need to read a lot of literature to fully understand it.Moral Issues. Moral issues are also very controversial but are generally simpler than other topics to do a persuasive essay on. These issues tend to deal with questions of how we should treat other people, and what is right and wrong. You may need to do a great deal of research in order to be able to properly frame your argument, but this is a topic that will be incredibly valuable for an article that will be read by a large number of people.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Drunk Driving Is a Crime Legal Consequences

Driving while under the influence is a crime. Because of the hazard that it causes to public safety, drunk driving is treated as a criminal offense and one that carries increasingly greater penalties in all 50 states. If you plan to drink and drive this weekend, you could end up with a criminal record, and depending on the circumstances, it could be a felony. Forget about the danger that you are putting yourself and others into for a moment, if you get caught driving after drinking alcohol or doing drugs, you will end up with a criminal record that could affect your employment and your future. The Consequences of Drunk Driving Here is what will happen if you get stopped drinking and driving: You will be treated as a criminal. You will be handcuffed and taken to jail. You or someone you know will have to post a bond before you will be released from jail.You will have to go to court and face a judge or jury. If you had a blood-alcohol level of more than 0.08, you will be found guilty of drunk driving  in all 50 states.You will have to pay a fine and court costs. You will probably be placed on probation and have to pay a monthly probation fee.Your drivers license will be suspended or revoked. To get your driving privileges back, in most states, you will have to go through an assessment of your drinking habits and take educational classes about alcohol.In many states, if it is determined that you do have a drinking problem, you will have to get treatment for your problem before getting your license back.You will also have to get more expensive auto insurance  before you can drive again.In a growing number of states, you will have to pay for and install an ignition interl ock device on your vehicle that will not let the car start if you have alcohol on your breath. There Could Be Other Consequences The above is a list of the legal problems you can face if you get a DUI. Not being able to drive can cause you problems in other areas of your life - socially or on the job. You could even lose your job, in some cases. Is driving while intoxicated worth all the hassle? Picking up the phone and calling a taxi or a friend to come to get you would be a much better choice giving the circumstances. Try These Tips Instead Here are some tips from if you plan to drink during the upcoming holiday period: If you drink, dont drive period, no matter how much you have had.Plan ahead and always designate a sober driver before the event begins.If you have been drinking, call a taxi, a friend or family member to come to pick you up.Just stay where you are until you sleep it off.Dont ride with someone else who is impaired.Take the keys away from someone, if you think they are too impaired to drive. Many areas offer Sober Taxi services free of charge during holiday periods. They will drive you home at no charge if you just call and ask. Almost all law enforcement agencies increase patrols and sobriety checkpoints around the holidays. Dont take the chance. Its simply not worth it.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Database Dilemma Essay - 3843 Words

The Database Dilemma Personal privacy today is a controversial and complex topic, which is influenced by a number of factors. There is an integral role that databases play in this highly debated topic. The fact that many people now carry out their transactions electronically is another important factor. There is also pressure on personal privacy for increased national security around the world to combat terrorism. In addition, personal privacy is even threatened by commercial factors and the Internet. Personal information can consist of anything from a home address, telephone number, social security number, income, credit card history, etc, any piece of information that can be tied to a distinct individual. Once personal†¦show more content†¦Databases allow us to easily store and retrieve data in a purely digital format. The strength of this is that large amounts of data can be stored and retrieved with minimal effort on the part of the user. Opposed to manually flipping through files, one can quickly pull up the requested data through a computer program. Many systems that were conventionally paper and file based have been converted to a digital format which are now stored in one or more databases. Databases can be used by businesses for managing accounts, inventory, personnel information, customer information, and any other record keeping needs. Phone companies have extensive databases for keeping track of customer’s calls for monthly statements, likewise with mobile phone companies. Banks transactions are all recorded in databases. The DMV has records of all drivers and motor vehicles. IRS databases contain income related information of everyone in the country. Ultimately, databases are everywhere. One can only wonder how many records relating to you are stored across what is now a forest of databases. The New Consumer During the past decade, we have undergone enormous changes in the way that we conduct business. ATM check cards, credit cards, and preferred customer cards are the most common buying tools today. Check, or debit, cards are ATM cards that function just like cash. Customers can now make payments with their check cardsShow MoreRelatedCultural Values and Personal Ethics Paper1583 Words   |  7 Pagesvalues. When these values are in disagreement, an ethical dilemma occurs. This article attempts to explain how personal, cultural, and organizational values play significant parts in decision-making. In addition, the foundation of ethical dilemmas can often be traced to conflicting values. This paper will also briefly discuss how ethical dilemmas can be mitigated. A practical approach for understanding how ethical dilemmas occur, how dilemmas can be prevented, and how to make ethical decisions canRead MoreEssay on Cultural Values And Personal Ethics in Business1497 Words   |  6 Pagesvalues. When these values are in disagreement, an ethical dilemma occurs. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Chemistry Lab Write-Up free essay sample

To demonstrate how changing the temperature at which a reaction takes place affects the rate of the reaction, the reaction between calcium carbonate and 1. 0 M hydrochloric acid will be observed at 5 various temperature readings. The 5 varying temperatures are targeted towards being at 10? C, 20? C, 30? C, 40? C, and 50? C. It is highly improbable that each trial for each of the 5 different temperatures will be the exact temperature that was targeted, so it’s just important that you end up having a temperature fairly close to the targeted temperatures so that the rates of reactions that you do receive are as correct as possible. The rates of reaction will be obtained using an apparatus that will guide the carbon dioxide gas being produced from the reaction between the 1. 0 M hydrochloric acid and the calcium carbonate from a reaction chamber into a flask containing water. This experiment will be performed by placing about 3. 0 grams of calcium carbonate chips into a flask containing 35 mL of 1. 0 M hydrochloric acid at one of the targeted temperatures. This flask is called the reaction chamber because it is the flask that contains the actual occurring reaction. The reaction between calcium carbonate and hydrochloric acid creates carbon dioxide as one of its products. When the carbon dioxide goes through the tube connected to the plug that seals the reaction chamber it enters the flask containing the water the water will be pushed up a different tube and will displaced into a 50 mL graduated cylinder where you can measure how long it takes for the water to be displaced up to a certain mark on the graduated cylinder using a stopwatch. In this specific experiment you will measure how long it takes for 15 mL of water to be displaced by the carbon dioxide gas being produced from the actual reaction. Background: The rate of a chemical reaction is inversely related to time. This means that the longer a reaction takes, the lower its rate. Rate can either be measured by the increase of product concentration divided by the time taken to achieve that concentration or by the decrease of reactant concentration divided by the time taken to reach that concentration of reactant (An Introduction to the Collision Theory in Rates of Reaction). The collision theory states that a chemical reaction is dependent on the collisions between reacting molecules (An Introduction to the Collision Theory in Rates of Reaction). But, for a reaction to occur, these molecules must collide in the correct orientation and they must collide with sufficient energy to be able to overcome the activation energy needed for a reaction to take place (An Introduction to the Collision Theory in Rates of Reaction). Factors that have an effect on the rate of a reaction include the concentration of reactants at the beginning of a reaction, the surface area of the reactants, pressure at which the reaction held, the use of a catalyst, and the temperature at which a reaction is held(An Introduction to the Collision Theory in Rates of Reaction). Increasing the concentration of the reactants at the initiation of a reaction increases the rate of the reaction because as the concentration increases, the frequency of successful collisions between reacting particles increases as well (Ford 123). Therefore, lowering the concentration of the reactants decreases the rate of the reaction. Decreasing the particle size, or increasing the surface area of the reactants increases the rate of the reaction because by subdividing the reactants you allow for more of the reactant to be exposed and that will lead to higher probability that the reactants will collide and react(Ford 124). Increasing the pressure will increase the rate of reaction, only if the reactants are in a gaseous form because increasing the pressure will decrease the volume which will then increase the concentration of the gases and lead to more successful collisions(Ford 124). The use of a catalyst will always increase the rate of a reaction because it provides a lower activation energy for a reaction to undergo successfully (Ford 124-25). Temperature affects the rate of a reaction immensely. Increasing the temperature will increase the rate of all reactions because temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles and so the higher temperature represents an increase in their average kinetic energy (Ford 123). This also means that there will be a larger amount of particles exceeding the activation energy needed to collide successfully and react; this translates into an increase in the rate of the reaction (Ford 123). Many reactions tend to double their reaction for every 10? C increase in their temperature (The Effect of Temperature on the Rates of Reaction). But, by lowering the temperature at which a reaction takes place you lower the rate of reaction just as much as you increase the rate when you increase the temperature. Being able to control the temperature at which a reaction takes place is important because by being able to control the temperature you are also able to control the rate at which reactions happen, but most importantly you are able to control how fast you yield the product from the reaction. For example, in the Haber Process the product that is being produced is ammonia (The Haber Process for the Manufacture of Ammonia). By using a low temperature the equilibrium of the solution shifts to the right and yields more product, but using too much of a low temperature and the reaction will take an extraordinarily long time to create ammonia as a product. To solve this problem pressure and concentration of reactants are increased in order to be able to use a higher temperature so that the rate of the reaction is high, yet still produces a good amount of ammonia (The Haber Process for the Manufacture of Ammonia). In this experiment the reaction between 1. 0 M hydrochloric acid and calcium carbonate will be studied. The equation for the reaction between these two substances is: CaCO3(s) + 2HCl(aq) CaCl2(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O(l) The calcium carbonate reacts with the hydrochloric acid in order to produce calcium chloride, carbon dioxide, and water. In this experiment the rate of the production of the carbon dioxide will be indirectly measured through the timing of how long it takes for 15 mL of water to be displaced. But, if we are measuring how long it takes for 15 mL of water to get displaced into the 50 mL graduated cylinder we are also measuring how long it takes for 15 mL of carbon dioxide gas to displace the 15 mL water into the 50 mL graduated cylinder. Hypothesis: If the temperature at which the reaction between 1. 0 M hydrochloric acid and calcium carbonate increases, then the rate of the reaction between the 1. 0 M hydrochloric acid and calcium carbonate will increase as well. According to the collision theory, if the temperature at which any reaction is held is increased then the rate of that reaction will always increase (An Introduction to the Collision Theory in Rates of Reaction). Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles and so a higher temperature represents an increase in their average kinetic energy (Ford 123). This also means that there will be a larger amount of particles exceeding the activation energy needed to collide successfully and react; this translates into an increase in the rate of the reaction (Ford 123). But, temperature and the rate of a reaction are directly proportional. If you increase the temperature of a reaction the rate will increase as well, but if you decrease the temperature the rate will decrease too. Variables: Independent Variable: The temperature at which the reaction between 1. 0 M hydrochloric acid and calcium carbonate is held is the independent variable because it is the only variable that is being altered during the experiment. In the experiment we change the temperature of the 1. 0 M hydrochloric acid before the calcium carbonate is added for the reaction to proceed to 5 different temperatures. The 5 varying temperatures are to be approximately: 10? C, 20? C, 30? C, 40? C, and 50? C. We are able to change the temperature of the 1. 0 hydrochloric acid by emerging the 500 mL Erlenmeyer Flask containing the 35 mL of hydrochloric acid into cold or hot water baths. By changing the temperature of the 1. 0 hydrochloric acid, the temperature at which the calcium carbonate and the hydrochloric acid react is able to be changed and we are able to observe how the temperature at which a reaction between 1. 0 M hydrochloric acid and calcium carbonate affects the rate of the reaction. Dependent Variable: The rate of the reaction between the 1. 0 M hydrochloric acid and the calcium carbonate is the dependent variable because it is the variable that is being affected by the changes in the independent variable, which in this experiment is the temperature at which the reaction is held. By changing the temperature at which the reaction is held you will either increase or decrease the rate, depending on whether you increased or decreased the temperature at which the reaction is held. To measure the rate of the reaction between the 1. M hydrochloric acid and the calcium carbonate, we will time how long it takes for the CO2 gas that is produced from the reaction between the hydrochloric acid and the calcium carbonate to displace 15 mL of water. To displace the water and measure the amount of time it takes to displace it we will use a water displacement apparatus that will allow us to take the carbon dioxide gas produced to enter a water chamber and displace the water from that chamber into a 25 mL graduated cylinder, and we will use a stopwatch to time how long it takes for 15 mL of water to be displaced. Controlled Variables: 1) The concentration and amount of hydrochloric acid used should remain consistent throughout the entire experiment. Therefore you should only use 1. 0 M hydrochloric acid and only use 35 mL of it when conducting a reaction with calcium carbonate. To make sure your hydrochloric acid is of the same concentration every time you conduct a reaction, use the hydrochloric acid from the same source every time, and to make sure you use 35 mL for every trial use a 50 mL graduated cylinder to measure the amount of hydrochloric acid before you place it into the 500 mL Erlenmeyer Flask. It is important to use hydrochloric acid with the same concentration throughout the entire experiment so that the rate of the reaction between the hydrochloric acid and the calcium carbonate isn’t affected by anything other than the temperature. If hydrochloric acid is of a higher concentration than 1. 0 M, Â  then the rate of the reaction will be faster than it should be, but if you use a hydrochloric acid with a concentration lower than 1. M then the rate of the reaction will be slower than it should be. 2) The amount of water being displaced should be consistent throughout the entire experiment, therefore you should time only how long it takes to displace 15 mL of water. To measure that you are timing how long it takes to displace 15 mL of water, use a 25 mL graduated cylinder. To get the most accurate rates as possible, start the stopwatch after you place the calcium carbonate into the 500 mL Erlenmeyer flask containing the 1. M hydrochloric acid at one of the 5 targeted temperatures and you have sealed the flask with the cork, then stop the stopwatch as soon as you see the water being displaced reach the 15 mL mark on the 25 mL graduated cylinder. 3) The amount of calcium carbonate used throughout the experiment should remain constant, so you should use 3. 0 grams every time you perform a reaction between the calcium carbonate and the 1. 0 M hydrochloric acid. To make sure that you are using approximately 3. 0 grams of calcium carbonate in every experiment performed use a weighing balance to measure out the calcium carbonate. It is important to use 3. 0 grams of the calcium carbonate in every experiment because if you use more than 3. 0 grams then more carbon dioxide gas will be produced and the rate will increase because water is being displaced faster because of the excess amount of calcium carbonate. But, if you use less than 3. 0 grams of calcium carbonate then the rate will be slower than it should be. METHOD Materials: 500 mL Erlenmeyer Flask 300 mL Erlenmeyer Flask 2 corks (plugs for that fit the 500 mL and 300 mL Erlenmeyer Flasks) Rubber Tubing 25 mL Graduated Cylinder 50 mL Graduated Cylinder Weighing Balance Weighing Paper Stopwatch Calcium Carbonate Chips 1. 0 M Hydrochloric Acid 2 Glass Bowls Thermometer Heating Plate 400 mL Beaker Water Ice Procedure: Setup: Using the 500 mL Erlenmeyer Flask, 300 mL Erlenmeyer Flask, the rubber tubing, the 2 corks, and the 25 mL graduated cylinder make a water displacement apparatus like the one displayed in the diagram below. [pic] 2. Fill up the 300 mL Erlenmeyer Flask up to the 250 mL with water before each trial of the experiment is conducted. The larger 500 mL Erlenmeyer Flask is the reaction chamber in which the 1. M hydrochloric acid will be placed to react with the 3. 0 grams of calcium carbonate chips. The 25 mL graduated cylinder is where the water will be displaced into as the carbon dioxide gas enters the water chamber from the reaction chamber and displaced the water. Make sure to dispose of the water displaced into the 25 mL graduated cylinder after each trial. Experiment: Reaction at 10? C Set up an ice bath by putting ice and water into the glass bowl and set it aside so you can cool the hydrochloric acid later in the experiment. Using a clean 50 mL graduated cylinder, measure out 35 mL of 1. M hydrochloric acid and then place the measured out hydrochloric acid into the 500 mL Erlenmeyer Flask and set the flask with the 1. 0 M hydrochloric acid into the ice bath. Stick the thermometer into the hydrochloric acid and wait until the temperature of the hydrochloric acid drops to about 10? C. While waiting for the temperature of the 1. 0 hydrochloric acid to drop, use the weighing balance to measure out 3. 0 grams of calcium carbonate. First, place a piece of weighing paper on th e balance and tare it. After you have tared the weighing paper, measure out the 3. 0 grams of calcium carbonate. Put the calcium carbonate aside until you are ready to react it with the 1. 0 M hydrochloric acid. Swirl the 1. 0 hydrochloric acid in the ice bath until it reaches 10? C. If your temperature goes below 10? C, take the Erlenmeyer Flask with the hydrochloric acid out of the ice bath and wait for the temperature to go up to 10? C. Record the exact temperature of the hydrochloric acid in the 500 mL Erlenmeyer Flask. Once the temperature of the 1. 0 hydrochloric acid is about 10? C, place the 3. 0 grams of calcium carbonate into the 500 mL Erlenmeyer Flask containing the 1. 0 M hydrochloric acid at 10? C and cork it and start the timer. Stop the timer once 15 mL of water is displaced from the water chamber into the 25 mL graduated cylinder. Record the amount of time it took for the water being displaced to reach the 15 mL mark on the 25 mL graduated cylinder. Set up the water displacement apparatus for the next trial. Repeat steps 2-7 4 more times until you have done a total of 5 trials for the rate of the reaction between 1. 0 M hydrochloric acid and calcium carbonate at 10? C. Reaction at 20? C Set up an ice bath by putting ice and water into the glass bowl and set it aside so you can cool the hydrochloric acid later in the experiment. Using a clean 50 mL graduated cylinder, measure out 35 mL of 1. 0 M hydrochloric acid and then place the measured out hydrochloric acid into the 500 mL Erlenmeyer Flask and set the flask with the 1. 0 M hydrochloric acid into the ice bath. Stick the thermometer into the hydrochloric acid and wait until the temperature of the hydrochloric acid drops to about 20? C. While waiting for the temperature of the 1. 0 hydrochloric acid to drop, use the weighing balance to measure out 3. 0 grams of calcium carbonate. First, place a piece of weighing paper on the balance and tare it. After you have tarred the weighing paper, measure out the 3. grams of calcium carbonate. Put the calcium carbonate aside until you are ready to react it with the 1. 0 M hydrochloric acid. Swirl the 1. 0 hydrochloric acid in the ice bath until it reaches 20? C. If your temperature goes below 20? C, take the Erlenmeyer Flask with the hydrochloric acid out of the ice bath and wait for the temperature to go up to 20? C . Record the exact temperature of the hydrochloric acid in the 500 mL Erlenmeyer Flask. Once the temperature of the 1. 0 hydrochloric acid is about 20? C, place the 3. 0 grams of calcium carbonate into the 500 mL Erlenmeyer Flask containing the 1. 0 M hydrochloric acid at 20? C and cork it and start the timer. Stop the timer once 15 mL of water is displaced from the water chamber into the 25 mL graduated cylinder. Record the amount of time it took for the water being displaced to reach the 15 mL mark on the 25 mL graduated cylinder. Set up the water displacement apparatus for the next trial. Repeat steps 10-15 4 more times until you have done a total of 5 trials for the rate of the reaction between 1. 0 M hydrochloric acid and calcium carbonate at 20? C. Reaction at 30? C Fill up a 400 mL beaker of water and heat it up until boiling on a hot plate. After it starts boiling place the water into the glass bowl. Using a clean 50 mL graduated cylinder, measure out 35 mL of 1. 0 M hydrochloric acid and then place the measured out hydrochloric acid into the 500 mL Erlenmeyer Flask and set the flask with the 1. 0 M hydrochloric acid into the water bath. Stick the thermometer into the hydrochloric acid and wait until the temperature of the hydrochloric acid increases to about 30? C. While waiting for the temperature of the 1. 0 hydrochloric acid to increase, use the weighing balance to measure out 3. 0 grams of calcium carbonate. First, place a piece of weighing paper on the balance and tare it. After you have tared the weighing paper, measure out the 3. grams of calcium carbonate. Put the calcium carbonate aside until you are ready to react it with the 1. 0 M hydrochloric acid. Swirl the 1. 0 hydrochloric acid in the water bath until it reaches 30? C. If your temperature goes above 30? C, take the Erlenmeyer Flask with the hydrochloric acid out of the water bath and wait for the temperature to g o down to 30? C. Record the exact temperature of the hydrochloric acid in the 500 mL Erlenmeyer Flask. Once the temperature of the 1. 0 hydrochloric acid is about 30? C, place the 3. 0 grams of calcium carbonate into the 500 mL Erlenmeyer Flask containing the 1. 0 M hydrochloric acid at 30? C and cork it and start the timer. Stop the timer once 15 mL of water is displaced from the water chamber into the 25 mL graduated cylinder. Record the amount of time it took for the water being displaced to reach the 15 mL mark on the 25 mL graduated cylinder. Set up the water displacement apparatus for the next trial. Repeat steps 17-23 4 more times until you have done a total of 5 trials for the rate of the reaction between 1. 0 M hydrochloric acid and calcium carbonate at 30? C. Reaction at 40? C Fill up a 400 mL beaker of water and heat it up until boiling on a hot plate. After it starts boiling place the water into the glass bowl. Using a clean 50 mL graduated cylinder, measure out 35 mL of 1. 0 M hydrochloric acid and then place the measured out hydrochloric acid into the 500 mL Erlenmeyer Flask and set the flask with the 1. 0 M hydrochloric acid into the water bath. Stick the thermometer into the hydrochloric acid and wait until the temperature of the hydrochloric acid increases to about 40? C. While waiting for the temperature of the 1. 0 hydrochloric acid to increase, use the weighing balance to measure out 3. 0 grams of calcium carbonate. First, place a piece of weighing paper on the balance and tare it. After you have tared the weighing paper, measure out the 3. grams of calcium carbonate. Put the calcium carbonate aside until you are ready to react it with the 1. 0 M hydrochloric acid. Swirl the 1. 0 hydrochloric acid in the water bath until it reaches 40? C. If your temperature goes above 40? C, take the Erlenmeyer Flask with the hydrochloric acid out of the water bath and wait for the temperature to g o down to 40? C. Record the exact temperature of the hydrochloric acid in the 500 mL Erlenmeyer Flask. Once the temperature of the 1. 0 hydrochloric acid is about 40? C, place the 3. 0 grams of calcium carbonate into the 500 mL Erlenmeyer Flask containing the 1. 0 M hydrochloric acid at 40? C and cork it and start the timer. Stop the timer once 15 mL of water is displaced from the water chamber into the 25 mL graduated cylinder. Record the amount of time it took for the water being displaced to reach the 15 mL mark on the 25 mL graduated cylinder. Set up the water displacement apparatus for the next trial. Repeat steps 25-31 Â  4 more times until you have done a total of 5 trials for the rate of the reaction between 1. 0 M hydrochloric acid and calcium carbonate at 40? C. Reaction at 50? C Fill up a 400 mL beaker of water and heat it up until boiling on a hot plate. After it starts boiling place the water into the glass bowl.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

The Story of Wynton Marsalis free essay sample

Composer, teacher, music educator and trumpet player. He Is of African American descent. Marshals was born on 1961 In New Orleans, Louisiana to Dolores and Ellis Louis Marshals. Wanton is among 5 other siblings, in which he is the second of six sons. Wanton was born into a very musical family as his brothers very into music as well as him but Just not as successful. His brother Ellis Marshals began playing as a tenor saxophonist but switched to piano while he was still attending high school.His brother Branford Marshals a saxophone player as well as composer and bandleader. Delayed Marshals, on of Wonts younger brothers plays the trombone and is also a record producer. Jason Marshals, also one of Wonts younger brothers is a Jazz drummer and member of the famous New Orleans Marshals Jazz musical family. It seems that music really does run In this family. Their father Ellis Marshals is a musicals and teacher, Their mother Dolores Marshals, sung In Jazz bands and Is very fund of music and a lover of music as well. We will write a custom essay sample on The Story of Wynton Marsalis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Wanton was only at the age of 6 when he started to play the trumpet.Around the age of 8, just a couple of years later, Wanton became a part of the church band his family attended. When Wanton was 14 years old, he began playing with the New Orleans Philharmonic. Music was a big part of his life, almost all of his life. At the age of 17 years old, Wanton became the youngest musician to ever get accepted into one of the best musical schools there is. He was accepted into Tangle woods Berkshire Music Center in Lenox, Massachusetts. Marshals after he attended Berkshire, made a big move too big city. He made a move to New York City, where he attended the Jailbird School.There he Joined Art Blakely and his band called the Jazz Messengers. Around the year of 1982, Wanton was signed to Columbia Records and not too longer after released his first self-titled Jazz album. The album received rave reviews and top the charts. Wanton once said when asked In an Interview was his father a big Influence In his decision to pursue music. Wanton replied that his father was in fact a big influence stating that he received his first trumpet as a Christmas gift when he was 6 years old, which was when he first started to play. My father was an example to me, cause of the type of integrity he had when he would play.I also liked the musicians that my father played with. They were always around: James Black the drummer, Nat Prelate on saxophone. I liked Richard Payne the bass player, the great clarinetist Alvin Batiste. John Fernando was a great trumpet player and a teacher. I didnt like the music they played so much but I liked them. And I always liked to hang at the gigs and listen to them play and see what was going on. Wanton had many other music influences Including Monk, Duke, Miles, Charlie Parker, Jelly Roll Morton and a host of there. He said he always loved Jazz music because of the way artists he liked played.It Influenced him to want to be a Jazz musicals. Wanton Is now an Artistic Director In New York City at the Jazz of Lincoln Center but before he settled there, he made a lot and a host of other awards. In 1987, Marshals co-founded a Jazz program at Lincoln Center. In July 1996, Jazz at Lincoln Center was installed as a new constituent of Lincoln Center. In October 2004, Marshals opened Frederick P. Rose Hall, the worlds first institution for Jazz containing three performance spaces (including the first encore hall designed specifically for Jazz), along with recording, broadcast, rehearsal and educational facilities.Marshals presently[when? ] serves as Artistic Director for Jazz at Lincoln Center and Music Director for the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra. [citation needed] One of his most recent releases was a 2011 collaboration with blues-rock guitarist Eric Clayton, a Jazz at Lincoln Center concert that produced the live album Wanton Marshals Eric Clayton Play the Blues. He has appeared on television shows, written musical books and has even played for the President of the United States.On Inauguration Day, January 20, 2009, the Wanton Marshals Quintet played at White House for a private party in honor of President Barack Obama. On January 19, Wanton also played at Kennedy Center with the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra in honor of Dry. Martin Luther King Jar. Day. Wanton made history when he became the first musician to win Grammar awards for both Jazz and classical recordings. He became the first Jazz artist to receive and win the Pulitzer Prize in Music for his Opera named Blood on the Fields. In 2005, Wanton was given the National Medal of Arts.Wonts success is not only limited to the United States either. Britains Royal Academy of Music awarded him Honorary Membership, in 2009 and he was granted Frances highest award, the insignia Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. Marshals still seems to stay at his roots though, no matter how much success and accolades he has received. He was quick to respond to New Orleans during Strain, appearing in television ads and organizing Higher Ground, a benefit at Lincoln Center. Although never married, Marshals is said to have four children, it seems he really does fit the saying of married to music.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Opposition to the DREAM Act Legislation

Opposition to the DREAM Act Legislation Imagine for a moment that you are a teenager: you have a group of close friends whove been with you since elementary school; youre one of the top students in your class; and your coach tells you that if you keep it up, you could have a shot at a scholarship, which you really need since your dream is to go into medicine. Unfortunately, you wont be able to fulfill your dream because of your parents undocumented status. As one of the 65,000 undocumented students in the U.S. who graduate from high school each year, you are barred from higher education and cannot legally obtain employment after graduation. Worse yet, there are people who in the U.S. who believe that all undocumented immigrants should be deported. Through no fault of your own, you could be forced to leave your home and move to a foreign country. Why Do People Think the Dream Act Is Bad for the U.S.? Does that seem fair? The DREAM Act, legislation that would provide a way for undocumented students to gain permanent residency through education or military service, is taking a hit from anti-immigrant groups, and in some cases, migrant advocates. According to the Denver Daily News, anti-illegal immigration advocate and former Colorado congressman Tom Tancredo said the bill should be renamed the NIGHTMARE Act because it will increase the number of people who come to the United States illegally. FAIR thinks the DREAM Act is a bad idea, calling it amnesty for illegal aliens. The group echoes many anti-DREAMers saying that the DREAM Act would reward undocumented immigrants and encourage continued illegal immigration, it would take education spots away from American students and make it more difficult for them to obtain tuition assistance, and passage of the DREAM Act would put additional strain on the country since the students could eventually petition for their relatives residency. Citizen Orange explains that the military provision within the DREAM Act is a cause for concern for some migrant advocates. The author says that because many undocumented youth are underprivileged, joining the military could be their only path to leg al status. Its a concern that depends on a persons view of military service: whether it is seen as being forced to risk your life, or an honorable way to serve your country. There will always be differing views and opinions on any type of legislation, but especially so when it comes to a controversial topic like immigration. For some, the debate is as simple as whether or not to make children suffer because of the actions of their parents. For others, the DREAM Act is only one small part of comprehensive immigration reform, and the effect of such legislation would be widespread. But for the DREAMers - the undocumented students whose futures depend on the outcome - the outcome of the legislation means much, much more.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

About China's Macro economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

About China's Macro economics - Essay Example As of 2011, industry contributed 46.6 percent to total GDP, while services contributed 43.3 percent to GDP. The general economy grew by 92 percent by some estimates in 2011, and this growth can be construed as being broad-based and generally applicable to the economic centers. The key industries in the economic centers are the following (Central Intelligence Agency): mining and ore processing, iron, steel, aluminum, and other metals, coal; machine building; armaments; textiles and apparel; petroleum; cement; chemicals; fertilizers; consumer products, including footwear, toys, and electronics; food processing; transportation equipment, including automobiles, rail cars and locomotives, ships, and aircraft; telecommunications equipment, commercial space launch vehicles, satellites (Central Intelligence Agency). The political capital of China is Beijing. Due to the country’s socialist system of government, where economic planning is centralized, Beijing can be construed as being the nerve center of the control of economic activities in the countries. Beijing’s influence on the national economy is therefore very vast and very key to understanding how the economy fares and how it will fare moving forward (Central Intelligence Agency). The western region of China is deemed as having historically developed at a lesser pace compared to the East, where the development is disproportionately located. A description of the western region is as follows (China Internet Information Center): The western region includes nine provinces and autonomous regions i.e.,Gansu, Guizhou, Ningxia, Qinghai, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Tibet, Xinjiang and Yunnan, in addition to Chongqing Municipality, and covers two thirds of the nation’s territory, with a population making up 22.8 percent of the nation’s total. Western China is rich in mineral,

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Construction Contracts in Context Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Construction Contracts in Context - Essay Example Hoover‘EmUp PLC (‘Hoover’) brought out share of SkyHigh Project Limited (‘SkyHigh’) which was a middle sized contraction company. The initial designs were done by PrimeDesign Partnership (‘PrimeDesign’). Hoover had a lawyer who helped him in his projects. The lawyer usually goes through his paper to be updated with the agreements he is in. During one particular diligence exercise he noticed that Hoover had misstated some of his documents. Being a written contact it might give the opponent a good hand in case of a dispute. The statements brought him into a big problem for design defects were noticed in the building. When Hoover noticed the problem he blamed it to PrimeDesign. The use of different legal issues in construction was the only way they have to meet their claims2. A good construction contract should be able to adhere to the Legal issues related to construction. Different contractual and legal issues were noticed in the case. Legal issue discovered during the investigation of the case3. The first issue was the one that deals with contractors and subcontractors. The issue deals with matters concerning what contractors are held liable during the building process4. It states that contractors and subcontractors are liability in automobile, commercial general and worker compensation/ employers’ liability. Hoover being the employer of PrimeDesign he is protected by this law. He has the right to sue PrimeDesign and claim for compensation. He can use the advantage of this law to ensure that SkyHigh has been compensated completely or partially for the design problem which is expensive. Another issue is in term of risk of the property or the builder. Risk of property of builder section tackled accidents that may lead damage of property or bodily damage. The decisions are made based on different considerations. Location of the project, type of project, cost associated with the project, type of contract, owner’s desires

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Intro to Greek Mythology Influence Essay Example for Free

Intro to Greek Mythology Influence Essay Introduction: In order to understand the impact of Greek mythology on Western culture one must understand what Greek mythology itself is. Greek Mythology is the belief, tales, and stories of ancient gods who ruled the ancient world as well as heroes who challenged the gods or some who fought for them. Many of these tales include moral stories and shaped humanistic values of what and what not to do. The ancient Greece Empire was located around the Mediterranean Sea and touched parts of what was called minor Asia (Howstuffwork 2010). In these times the belief was that ancient gods were a part of everyday life. Supposedly the gods rules all aspect of life such as the production of food, domestic life, war and social life such as fortune and love. The people mad sacrifices to these gods to â€Å"please† them and many died fighting for these gods, which no one actually saw because of their home on Mount Olympus. Greek mythology was more than just stories to these people it was actually a religion, which formed and shaped political nature of Ancient Greece as well. Greek mythology attempts to explain the origins of the world and the reasons for occurrences in the world. The time period of when Greek mythology began is not really confirmed it is estimated around 800 BC, but there have been accounts of earlier pottery and artifacts which show images of the gods. These mythical stories have stood against the sands of time and even today are used in modern language and societies. Howstuffworks Ancient Greece. (n.d.). HowStuffWorks Learn How Everything Works!. Retrieved February 10, 2011, from

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Essay --

Desertification is an increasing global issue that has caused many concerns throughout the world. Desertification affects mostly Africa; however it has (and still is) taking its toll on the Arabian Peninsula, southern Asia, Australia, southern South America, and the southwest region of the North American continent (â€Å"Desertification†, 2013). According to â€Å"Desertification: A Forgotten Threat†, every year, some 23,000 square miles of arable and range land are uncontrollably lost to desert, leaving an exceeding amount of consequences for the entire globe to face. As alarming as this fact is, it is important to understand the negative effects that desertification exerts on these affected areas, exactly what this problem is, what it is doing, why it’s happening, why it is important, and what global communities, as well as world leaders can do to prevent it from spiraling out of control in the future. This paper will focus on the physical and economical hards hips due to desertification, the causes of it, the necessary measures that should be taken to prevent it, as well as the importance of spreading global awareness regarding this topic. According to a statement made by UNEP (United Nations Environment Program) on December 10, 1993, â€Å"Desertification is ‘one of the most serious global environmental problems’† (â€Å"Desertification: Not About, 1994). When discussing the topic of desertification, two common questions are, â€Å"What is desertification exactly, and how is it possible for the desert to advance?† Desertification is a term that describes â€Å"the loss of productive land to desert† (â€Å"Desertification†, 2013). It’s a common, innocent public misconception that the desert is advancing; however, this in fact is not the case. When an area u... ...ined areas. Strongly supported by the UN Development Program’s Office to Combat Desertification and Drought, the CCD is the first treaty to demand full participation by local populations. This way, countries can learn from each other, passing on scientific and technical knowledge† (â€Å"Desertification: A Forgotten Threat†, 1999). As one can see, desertification is a serious matter at hand. Creating laws and setting limits to farmers can slow the desertification process slowed down. Actions need to be taken now in order to save the precious land. If nothing is done, the future of important nations will be dark as they are forced to face a myriad of economical and biological hardships. Additionally, there could very well be wars over land and water, causing the affected country to sink deeper and deeper into a viscous pit due to the malicious cycle of desertification.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Rude American

Rude Americans Stories are often told about rude American tourists, neighbors, or simply Americans. They have been labeled as rude because of their actions and their portrayal in the media and our society. Most of the complaints involve tourists. According to businessperson. Com, Tripods, a travel blob, conducted a survey last year involving 700 respondents from 62 countries about bad tourist behavior. It covers everything from travel etiquette and manners (like hogging the armrests and asking to switch seats incessantly in plane rides) to drunken misbehaver and foreign fertilization.A whopping 33% of respondents, three times as many as the next worst, Britain, agree that Americans are terrible tourists. 44% of the American respondents even agreed that their countrymen are the worst tourists. As the stereotype goes, they're loud, rude, fat, and make terrible fashion choices. Stereotype aside, why are Americans seen as rude and disrespectful? Aside from the Internet research, a survey was also done in class asking the students their opinions on why Americans are often seen as rude.The top reasons turned out to be 1) the US is involved in a lot of wars, 2) the American bringing and 3) cultural differences and misunderstanding. The supports, however, were mostly based on information from the Internet and personal observations. First reason on why Americans are often seen as rude is the role of the US in wars around the world. The US has been a world superpower for so many years and is considered as one of the â€Å"Most Reliable Countries. Being one of the richest and most powerful countries, Americans tend to think they are superior and can overpower anyone, making them come off as rude and disrespectful. American rudeness and disrespect also comes from the wars hey were involved in the past to gain power or just for the sake of warring such as World Wars I and II, Vietnam, Korean, Afghanistan and Iraq wars. Even if they didn't win without the help of other coun tries, it still made Americans act and think that they are above anyone, which carries on up until now.Second reason of American rudeness is the American upbringing. It is the environment that they grew up in; it is how they were raised. Many Americans are loud and outspoken because they grew up in a similar environment especially if they grew up in a city since American cities tend to be hectic and Hattie. They are often seen glued and yelling over their phones, which may be just talking normally for them. They are also seen as rude because of their informality when meeting strangers and they think everything is funny.This is because they are comfortable with other people although they don't realize that the same open behavior comes across as disrespect to other people. Americans are seen as rude because many of them feel that they have to insult others because everything has to be their way. Many Americans are known to be chain-swears like it's a part of them, like it's a normal t hing. When they do not get what they want, they become frustrated. They just lack manners and social graces because they feel the need to become dominant and take control of everything without thinking about how to treat others.Americans also seem to have a bad reputation with not realizing that the whole world did not grow up learning English to serve them, and that speaking slower to someone who doesn't understand or speak English, doesn't make a difference. Third reason is cultural differences. As mentioned in the previous reason, the open behavior of Americans comes across as disrespect to other people cause they aren't used to such culture, whereas Americans often view familiarity as a good thing. Mistakes made by tourists when visiting other countries are often seen as disrespectful.They may not be fully aware, but some people actually get offended. For example, if you're in France and you're invited to dinner at someone's house, you should bring a gift but do not bring a bott le of wine because it implies that your hoses wine is not good enough. Since it is habitual for polite Americans to bring a bottle of wine as a gift for one's hosts, it may be a problem especially if they aren't familiar with he French rule. Americans are also known for their busy lifestyle, wherein their time costs so much that they don't waste it in apologizing or thanking others.Some people as a child has been taught that saying â€Å"thank you,† â€Å"you're welcome,† or â€Å"I'm sorry/' is a way of showing good manners, so not doing any of the mentioned may seen by others as rude. The way they show their nationalism and pride makes them seem to look down on other countries since they say that other countries are nothing compared to them, and that the US is the best country in the world. Maybe we are just used to he respectful culture, but some of the ways they show nationalism and pride may be disrespectful to other countries.Some of the things they say may also sound offensive but they actually mean something different. An example would be their use of the phrase, â€Å"Oh, really? † A person could take it as someone challenging his opinion but in reality it simply means, â€Å"Interesting Can you elaborate? † The portrayal of arrogance among Americans through their actions, the media and the society is caused by the role of the US in wars, the American upbringing and cultural differences. Not all Americans are rude; they were just stereotyped as such.That is why everyone should respect and appreciate each others differences and try to learn and understand them and their culture. It is important to learn and understand them to avoid getting too offended, and to know how to react to certain situations. It also helps in getting to know and socializing with Americans instead of avoiding them for being intentionally or unintentionally rude because after all, they are humans just like everyone else.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Marxs Theory of Money and the Theory of Value Essay

Marxs Theory of Money and the Theory of Value The most important point to emerge from Marxs theory of money is the idea that money is a form of value. The difficulty with this idea is that we are more familiar with money itself than with value in other forms. But value does appear in forms other than money. For example, the balance sheet of a capitalist firm estimates the value of goods in process and of fixed capital which has not yet been depreciated, as well as the value of inventories of finished commodities awaiting sale. Each of these aggregations of commodities has a value, usually expressed as the equivalent of a certain amount of money, but it is clear that neither goods in process nor fixed capital is money. Marx views the†¦show more content†¦There is no reason to think of the commodity form emerging historically before the money form. To the degree that we see the first, we will see the second, or reasons why the emergence of money is suppressed in the concrete situation. What we see historically are very di fferent stages of development of commodity relations, corresponding to different degrees of development of social production and to different forms of money. These differences in levels of development may give the illusion of an historical emergence of money separate from, and subsequent to, the emergence of commodities. But in such cases what is at issue is the particular form of money, or the way in which value manifests itself in the particular society. Even transactions which are apparently barter transactions, in that the equivalents exchanged are both concrete commodities, may best be analyzed as degenerate monetary transactions, in which the parties estimate the abstract value of their respective products, and finding them equal, or nearly equal, are able to avoid transferring money itself. Marx regards value, the general power of exchangeability that resides in commodities, as an expression of the labor expended in the production of the commodities. If we use the word labor for the more accurate phrase, abstract, sociallyShow MoreRelatedBiography Of Karl Marx s Writing On Class Conflict1335 Words   |  6 Pagesociety is told that through hard work and dedication anyone can become successful. Success in the United States is looked at as being a part of the elite. Though it may seem like the status may easily be reached, this is not, in fact the case. Karl Marx’s writing on class conflict suggest otherwise. Class conflict is still very relevant in present day’s society and can be seen throughout the levels of class. 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